The U.S. Air Force offers more than 140 exciting career specialties. We can match you to a job of your choice and train you in a high-tech skill. We’ll pay you a great salary, and if your Air Force job requires certification or licensure, we’ll help you earn that, too. You may even qualify for an enlistment bonus.
The Air Force is not all about flying planes or jumping out of them. We have those options, but only if you volunteer for them. The majority of our force is responsible for maintaining aircraft and making sure we all get paid.
Your Air Force training counts as college credit toward an associate’s degree from the Community College of the Air Force. We even pay up to 100 percent of your tuition for college courses taken off-duty. And through the Montgomery G.I. Bill, you can have more than $88,000 for educational expenses after two years of honorable active-duty service.
The Air Force offers other awesome benefits. You’ll earn 30 days of vacation with pay each year beginning your very first year; get comprehensive medical and dental care and tax-free clothing, food and housing allowances; and you can live, work and travel around the world. You’ll also enjoy base fitness centers, auto hobby shops, golf courses, social clubs and more.